Sunday, January 20, 2019



I read the latest comments on my blog posts and unfortunately Blogger won't let me to reply to them >:C it just says that bLogGEr iS uNaVaiLabLe

That's why I'm making this post!
Yes, I'll be posting the URL here soon! I just recently got to time and continue working on the new blog.

I'm very happy that there are still people who visit my blog ;w;

To "American Fan :3" yeahhhh, It's hard, right? I actually got my hair straightened but now 55% of my hair is going back to its natural look XDD and I decided to keep my curly hair. Oh how I missed the wild knots that are hard to brush XDD HAHAHA

To the unknown commentor who eventually became a fan of M!LK right after Haruki left, hi! Welcome to the fandom! Good news, I am able to accept the new members wholeheartedly now! I mean, they do perform nicely and they aren't "bad" people. I actually believe that they made a good impact on M!LK and I'm really happy... although of course, my heart that was captured by the 5-member M!LK group will always be inside of me.

Have a nice day ahead!

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