Ohisashiburi, M!LKies!
First, yes. I decided to use this blog server again because I just don't see WordPress being used for a fangirling-purposes-only blog. Also, I find it hard to maintain the orderliness of the blog and at times, I just feel uncomfortable blogging in there. At least here, I can put in whatever I want without being "not orderly"... and I guess I got used to Blogger's atmosphere...? I don't know, just know that I'll start posting here again HAHA
Ok, so, I feel like sharing in this blog what has been up during the past months.
After Haruki leaving M!LK, my whole M!LK fantasy world shattered like glass. It was my first time crying because of a heartbreak caused by a boy group. Can you just imagine the impact on me of Haruki leaving M!LK? I'm very sure a lot of you out there have experienced the same as well. Despite accepting everything and looking at the bright side of things, it still had been hard for me. You might think that it's over-reacting but it's actually true. They're the first group who gave me the maximum doki dokis the first group I've ever cried on because of happiness, the first group I actually spent my savings on, the first group I became OBSESSED with... anything you could think of. I even started self-studying Japanese because of them.
I just kept in my mind that Haruki made the decision because he believes that it will make him happy. I would be very selfish to not let him have his happiness. He had made a lot of fans happy, including me, happy. He deserves it. But that was almost 2 years ago. A lot have already moved on.
After he left, I became demotivated in supporting them. I mean, my M!LKies heart was still filled with love for them but, you know? At that moment, it just wasn't the same as before. It wasn't the same group I fell for in 2015. I'm also very positive that a lot of fangirls felt the same because after that event, a lot of fan accounts deactivated or "logged out". However, a lot also chose to stay strong and keep supporting M!LK. I have chosen the same path as them, but with a less bright flame burning.
So there it was, M!LK with 4 people or what I call as "M!LK version 1.5". It was really hard to accept. It felt off, different, something was missing and so on. But with time, the flame became brighter with the 4 boys. While my fangirl flame was still recovering, 3 babies decided to hop in the party. I was like "yeah, ok that's cool! I guess...? Let's see what they can do for the group". I was excited to start being a solid fangirl again, to start seeing M!LK as a group with 7 members, or "M!LK version 2".
All was going steady, but I guess I was still very much affected by Haruki leaving. So I decided to stay low key and take as much time as I needed to fully recover. I just said to myself that I can come out anytime whenever I'm ready. Oh-ho, just as when I thought that everything will all go well again, they announced that my OG oshi, Mizuki, and Ryuubi was going to leave the group. Rather than sad, I was more on the angry side HAHAHA So then, I decided to wait for them to fully leave the group before coming back or becoming active again.
When I decided to come back, I was positive that I won't be crying because I was more angry than sad and that it already happened for some time ago, so it wasn't "fresh". I stalked M!LK's official Twitter account to see what I have missed until I have stumbled upon the article that featured Mizuki and Ryuubi's "graduation live" (because they were going to "graduate" from the group). As I was looking through the pictures, before I knew it, I WAS CRYING HAHAHA AHDJDN WHO KNEW????
Mizuki was the reason why I have discovered M!LK. It meant A LOT to me when they announced that he was going to leave M!LK. I was already numb HAHA my goodness! All these heartbreaks!
After that, I decided to go inactive again because, aside from school, I think the flame was slowly dying again. It took me sometime to get my M!LK heart filled again with love and enthusiasm.
As I was on fangirl hiatus yet again, I have come to realize a lot of things.
It's actually unfair for the members who decided to stick around if fangirls started letting them feel that they're slowly losing interest. It would also demotivate the group. I don't even see international M!LKies anymore (;__;) Something in me told me that I should start letting them feel that ALL IS NOT LOST, ENGLISH FANS ARE STILL ALIVE. Something in me wanted to wave the flag of M!LK otakus once again. I became so pumped up. I tried finding time to restart everything. And... voila~
https://img.jj-jj.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/27202143/aa-1024x683.jpg |
I'm currently trying to be M!LK version 2.
5's fangirl. I think it's going good. But the "flame" isn't still as bright as before. But we'll get there, eventually. I'm still learning about them since I have a lot of things that I have missed out. I even made some adjustments to our fan page on Facebook. Give us some love by liking the page! https://www.facebook.com/MILKphilippines I'm also still motivated to study Japanese. Thanks to these guys, I might improve my Japanese skills by attempting to read their blogs, updates, news, posts, and watching their videos! HEHE
I want to thank M!LK's current members, Jinto, Jyuutaro, Hayato, Shunta, and Daichi for staying. I love you guys so much and thank you for staying strong. I may be low key most of the time, but I haven't thought of quitting the fandom. That's how important this group is to me. Please stay strong. Do not ever let go. Letting go again would cause another wave of sadness.
I also want to thank the M!LKies who managed to stay, be it international or not. Thank you for letting them feel your love. May they be more encourage to stay strong as M!LK version 2.5. It may not be easy for you guys, but I think they still deserve support :) let's be one and let them feel MUCH MUCH love because they deserve it for being strong and continuing. I'm sure it was also hard for them, but they carried on and words are not enough to describe how much I'm PROUD of them. I love them so so much.
For new M!LKies, welcome! Start supporting M!LK as well! They're nice little bois who mean no harm to anyone. Your support for them is HIGHLY appreciated, especially now since because members left, they may still be not taking it easy, and a lot of fans went inactive... It might've discouraged them even a bit. So we're counting on your support! Let's give them sugar! HAHAHA ^w^
I'm very much proud of you gentlemen. Please keep it up. I'm still hoping to see you guys one day, preferably in Japan! Haha!
Stay indoors, stay safe, take care always, and keep M!LKy, lovelies! |