Thursday, March 17, 2016

Fan art: MizuKitsune



So I was looking for the right animal to go crazy for.

Panda was so cliche

Koala. Nahhh

Penguin? Cliche too.

Fish? Nahhhh

Bear. Nope.

Then I watched this TV programme that's about saving animals then the vet went to Japan (one glance and I knew it was Japan woahh) and he went to see the Kitsune or foxes.

They looked so KAWAII (OxO)

Yes. Perfect. Foxes.

And then that same day, I made this sentence...

I love Kitsune. I love Mizuki-san. Therefore Mizuki-san is a Kitsune.

Hahahahahaha xD I drew him a portrait xD hahahaha.
You guys remebered what I posted here? My drawing of Daichi-san? My drawing of Mizuki-san is similar to it xD



I'm eating ramen here *__*
