Rissacccchi desu!
I just recently witnessed how M!LK show their "romantic excitement" look.
Not recently, last week I think.
No. Wait..
Isn't that still recently?
Anyways! The "romantic excitement" feeling that I'm talking about is this word in Filipino "kilig".
It doesn't have an exact meaning, I just used google translate but if you ask me, in mh own description, "kilig" is that feeling when you have the doki dokis. It's mostly used when it's about love or crushes.
A good example is when your bias winked at you and you suddenly feel happy and excited and doki doki... that you can't explain.
Just... your keyword is "doki doki"
( ´ ▽ ` )
If you want to know how to describe "kilig", you could also search the internet.
Okay, enough of the facts. But... you learn everyday, right? Hehe. The more you know lol.

Harukinman's expression (*´∇`)ノ

Our sparkling lemon's expression. His expression is one of the best. Haha

Daicharge's expression.
He has the best, a funny and cute way on how he express his "romantic excitement" feeling. Hahaha

Mizuking's expression (*´ч`*)

Sanokyun's expression (*´ω`*)
They all have cute expressions.
But for me, Daicharge and the sparkling lemon has the best way lf expressing. Haha ( *´︶`*)
Jaa neeeeeeeee
Arissa deshita!
Rissacccchi desu!
I just recently witnessed how M!LK show their "romantic excitement" look.
Not recently, last week I think.
No. Wait..
Isn't that still recently?
Anyways! The "romantic excitement" feeling that I'm talking about is this word in Filipino "kilig".
It doesn't have an exact meaning, I just used google translate but if you ask me, in mh own description, "kilig" is that feeling when you have the doki dokis. It's mostly used when it's about love or crushes.
A good example is when your bias winked at you and you suddenly feel happy and excited and doki doki... that you can't explain.
Just... your keyword is "doki doki"
( ´ ▽ ` )
If you want to know how to describe "kilig", you could also search the internet.
Okay, enough of the facts. But... you learn everyday, right? Hehe. The more you know lol.

Harukinman's expression (*´∇`)ノ

Our sparkling lemon's expression. His expression is one of the best. Haha

Daicharge's expression.
He has the best, a funny and cute way on how he express his "romantic excitement" feeling. Hahaha

Mizuking's expression (*´ч`*)

Sanokyun's expression (*´ω`*)
They all have cute expressions.
But for me, Daicharge and the sparkling lemon has the best way lf expressing. Haha ( *´︶`*)
Jaa neeeeeeeee
Arissa deshita!