Wednesday, July 27, 2016

M!LK's live online (Most depressing fangirl time for me so far)

Hi... Konnichiwa
Arissa desu~

I'm a bit depressed right now (TOO depressed*) and happy at the same time... why?

Ok, so, I watched M!LK's LIVE on our desktop where you can't comment anything on the video. I was thinking of switching to my tablet but a negative thought just popped inside my head like "Heh. You're gonna comment? Are you hoping that M!LK will notice that comment? Quite impossible." So that's why I decided to continuously watch M!LK on our desktop.
 Sorry about the quality, I lowered it so that it will not stop like what happened when the quality was set on 720p. It stopped and stopped and stopped which really irritated me so... I lowered the quality.
The LIVE was fun and all. Made me smile... then this friend of mine was... ok wait for it... NOTICED BY M!LK.
I know. I feel jealous, depressed and... yeah even if she told me and other fans that it was for all M!LKys who lives in the Philippines.
She told us that she commented that she was a M!LKys from the Philippines and flooded the comment box and around 7:30pm, Hayato-san read the comments and saw hers (her comment was in Japanese). M!LK was like "What?! Really?! I'm so happy! Thank you!"
I feel jealous. I really do. I couldn't think straight after hearing her story. First, I cried then I became silent then sat beside my bed and stared at the wall and thoughts creeped up inside my head.

Perks of knowing how to speak fluent Japanese, huh?

She's one lucky fangirl.

I...just feel very jealous. I don't even know if I'll get over this or not.

There are so many lucky fangirls like her and there are also fangirls who are like me... unlucky, unnoticed and others.
When will I be lucky?

I just died inside.