Arissacccchi dessssssssssu!
I tried to update my blog about this event for the 3rd time. HAHAHA ARGHHHHH
So, yesterday was the ☆Tokyo Girls Collection☆ and as said before, our ItaChano was there! Yaaaaay

They looked like they enjoyed the event( *´︶`*)
Actually, they did had fun according to them in their video in Twitter loool xD
Also, they were so hyped in that video.
Speaking of Twitter, there are soooooo many articles about the event that was held (*゚Д゚艸) of course, there would be a lot xD I just wanted to tell you guyd so that you could go see it for yourselves in case you're interested.
You can find the links in M!LK official Twitter! (σ≧▽≦)σ
AND HSNLS YOOOOOO There was a live streaming in LINE LIVE
Lol, I was going to say that I could've watched our ItaChano but yet again, I don't have the app HAHAHAHAHA I deleted it lol because.. space... and I'll try to redownload it
Anyways, all that's important is that our boys started and ended the show with wide smiles (*´˘`*)
And yeah, It's Zaki(Daichi)'s birthmonth!!! It's almost his birthdayyyyyyy! Let's celebrate it hehehehehehehehe
That's all about it for this update. *does the signature ItaChano pose* Ita~! Chano~! Deshitaaaa!
Arissacccchi dessssssssssu!
I tried to update my blog about this event for the 3rd time. HAHAHA ARGHHHHH
So, yesterday was the ☆Tokyo Girls Collection☆ and as said before, our ItaChano was there! Yaaaaay
They looked like they enjoyed the event( *´︶`*)
Actually, they did had fun according to them in their video in Twitter loool xD
Also, they were so hyped in that video.
Speaking of Twitter, there are soooooo many articles about the event that was held (*゚Д゚艸) of course, there would be a lot xD I just wanted to tell you guyd so that you could go see it for yourselves in case you're interested.
You can find the links in M!LK official Twitter! (σ≧▽≦)σ
AND HSNLS YOOOOOO There was a live streaming in LINE LIVE
Lol, I was going to say that I could've watched our ItaChano but yet again, I don't have the app HAHAHAHAHA I deleted it lol because.. space... and I'll try to redownload it
Anyways, all that's important is that our boys started and ended the show with wide smiles (*´˘`*)
And yeah, It's Zaki(Daichi)'s birthmonth!!! It's almost his birthdayyyyyyy! Let's celebrate it hehehehehehehehe
That's all about it for this update. *does the signature ItaChano pose* Ita~! Chano~! Deshitaaaa!