Throwbacks. It is a very popular word. People really love this word because they get to post pics that are taken many days ago or even post their photos when they were still a baby. L('ω')┘三└('ω')」
I thought of getting M!LK-san's throwback pictures in EBiDAN's blog posts in the past years.
I only found Jinto-san's, Mizuki-san's and mostly Daichi-san's. Daichi-san has the most pictures because he always posting~
That's a good thing (*´ω`*) I'm sure it made his fan girls very happy.
I wonder where Hayato-san's and Haruki-san's chibi pictures are u__u
Anywayssssssss, Daichi-san's throwback pictures looks so ☆KAWAII☆

I wonder how old he is in these pics...
He looks like 8 or 9!
Oh look! His picture when it was his birthday (//∇//) how cute!

Wait.. how old was he?



EHHHHHHH?! He was already 12?! That means, he was 11 before those pictures? (´◑д◐`)マジデ?
At age 12, people looks already mature. Daichi-san?!
うわぁぁ(・◇・) Baby face
I saw more pictures of Daichi-san (´-`).。oO()


Another picture of his birthday!

Chotto, how old is he here?

Matte.. (^__^;)


13?! But he still looks so young! Uwaaaa (°д°) Daichi-san must be a vampire (笑)
I was 13 last year and I look old //cries
( ( ( ( ( (゚∀゚) ) ) ) ) )
Ok moving on~!
♡Mizuki-san's throwback pictures. Yayyyyy (*´∀`*)

He looks so young and attractive desu yo ne? (◎-◎;)!! ドキドキ

Yabai! (/ω\*) I wish I was the spoon.

Mizuki-san looks so dramatic here. And... attractive (u///u) uwaaaa
( ( ( ( ( (゚∀゚) ) ) ) ) )
And NOWWWWW, Jinto-sanのストロバクフォトです ヽ(*´∀`)ノ


Pastry, anyone? (*´∀`*) ♡
I'm sorry but Jinto-san rarely post pictures back then ( p_q)
Two bonus pics for more happiness and cuteness XDD

We all clearly thought that they were in younger ages but they were in the age of adolescence.
Welp, they are attractive even when they're young XD They are now even MORE attractive (/ω\*)
We, fangirls, be one and continue to support them~
がんばってM!LKさん!٩( 'ω' )و
ファイト! wwwww
P.S I can't post all of the throwback pics I've found (;_;) The internet connection might slow down so I updated my blog in a rush.
Visit my blog again onegai ╭( ๐_๐)╮
And.... arigatou for reading this update of my blog ( /// ´ิϖ´ิ/// )
Picture credits to EBiDAN's official blog♡
Throwbacks. It is a very popular word. People really love this word because they get to post pics that are taken many days ago or even post their photos when they were still a baby. L('ω')┘三└('ω')」
I thought of getting M!LK-san's throwback pictures in EBiDAN's blog posts in the past years.
I only found Jinto-san's, Mizuki-san's and mostly Daichi-san's. Daichi-san has the most pictures because he always posting~
That's a good thing (*´ω`*) I'm sure it made his fan girls very happy.
I wonder where Hayato-san's and Haruki-san's chibi pictures are u__u
Anywayssssssss, Daichi-san's throwback pictures looks so ☆KAWAII☆

I wonder how old he is in these pics...
He looks like 8 or 9!
Oh look! His picture when it was his birthday (//∇//) how cute!

Wait.. how old was he?



EHHHHHHH?! He was already 12?! That means, he was 11 before those pictures? (´◑д◐`)マジデ?
At age 12, people looks already mature. Daichi-san?!
うわぁぁ(・◇・) Baby face
I saw more pictures of Daichi-san (´-`).。oO()


Another picture of his birthday!

Chotto, how old is he here?

Matte.. (^__^;)


13?! But he still looks so young! Uwaaaa (°д°) Daichi-san must be a vampire (笑)
I was 13 last year and I look old //cries
( ( ( ( ( (゚∀゚) ) ) ) ) )
Ok moving on~!
♡Mizuki-san's throwback pictures. Yayyyyy (*´∀`*)

He looks so young and attractive desu yo ne? (◎-◎;)!! ドキドキ

Yabai! (/ω\*) I wish I was the spoon.

Mizuki-san looks so dramatic here. And... attractive (u///u) uwaaaa
( ( ( ( ( (゚∀゚) ) ) ) ) )
And NOWWWWW, Jinto-sanのストロバクフォトです ヽ(*´∀`)ノ


Pastry, anyone? (*´∀`*) ♡
I'm sorry but Jinto-san rarely post pictures back then ( p_q)
Two bonus pics for more happiness and cuteness XDD

We all clearly thought that they were in younger ages but they were in the age of adolescence.
Welp, they are attractive even when they're young XD They are now even MORE attractive (/ω\*)
We, fangirls, be one and continue to support them~
がんばってM!LKさん!٩( 'ω' )و
ファイト! wwwww
P.S I can't post all of the throwback pics I've found (;_;) The internet connection might slow down so I updated my blog in a rush.
Visit my blog again onegai ╭( ๐_๐)╮
And.... arigatou for reading this update of my blog ( /// ´ิϖ´ิ/// )
Picture credits to EBiDAN's official blog♡