Konnichiwa Minna!!!
It's been more than a month since Haruki announced that he will be leaving M!LK, and a few days since he already left M!LK. And now, on July 31st, he'll be officially signing off Stardust Promotion.
It breaks my heart, really. But with some time and having realizations from my friend, I have understood the situation, I tried looking into Haruki's perspective, his future and continuing to support him, letting him go with a smile and move on in a mature manner.
知ってる、知ってる。It's dramatic but I really, really, A B S O L U T E L Y love him. He's one of the reasons why I smile and continue to face challenges happily. In short, he's my inspiration, that's why.
So yeaaah, a few days inactive (though still using Twitter), there were a lot of things that happened. But to start off...

AHHHHH!!!!?????!!!!!! OK. They're literally making me cry. Because of happiness and panic. Why panic?? Yo. Heck, I wanna buy them photobooks but IT'S NOT THAT EASY TO SAVE ;-; and I'm very anxious about their "buyable(?)" items. Why? What if they ran out? What if I was already able to buy their stuff but oh-ho-ho they're all SOLD OUT!
After Mizuki and Hayato's announcement about their photobook, I thought that what if Jinto amd Daichi are next????? I'm happy, of course!! But *ehem* wutabout financially? Am I financially ready? =w=
Even if it's hard to save up money, if I reaaaally wanna buy something, I'll still do my best, find a way and give it a go, right? No matter how hard it is.
*whisper* (It's something inspirational. Pls get inspiration from the "quote" I made)