Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Author's Greet

Konnichiwa minna-san! Before this year ends, let me post this appreciation post for you people who have been a M!LKys up until this time.

Congratulations! You have been a M!LKys throughout this year!
It makes me really happy to know about the fact that there are still fans that support M!LK with all their hearts <3

You know what? Not every fan lasts as a M!LKys for a year or so. Some fans leave the fandom in a short period of time. So staying in M!LK's fandom for a year is really something!

M!LK is like a journeying ship in the middle of the sea and we, the M!LKys, are the wind that would blow against their sail, that would help them go to their island, their goal. (some deep stuff, amirite? XD)
If we show our love and support for them, they'd get motivated, do their best and strive harder to reach their dream.
M!LK is still on their way to becoming famous.

Also, thank you for fangirling with me this 2017 XD hehe. My life as M!LK's fangirl would have been sad :^(
Just thinking about fangirling all by myself is sad :(((

Thank you so much!!!!

Let's unite as one and support M!LK together!

Happy new year, friends!

Let's watch those fireworks display on New Year's eve (OwO)
Tanoshiiiiiiii da ne~!

Let's be friends!