Long time no post!
I'l just cut to the chase
Woah! It was like yesterday when M!LK had their first debut and was still not-so popularðŸ˜
They evolved!
They were having one-man concerts, they were involved in different shows, they entered talkshows, they went to other places, they keep on releasing singles, they already have their first ever photo album, they indorsed some products and now... COMMERCIALS!(´°Ð´°`)
Well, commercial and indorsing are the same thing but... you get it!
THEY ARE GONNA BE WATCHED BY PEOPLE! MORE PEOPLE MEANS MORE FANS! They'll gossip "hey, who's that handsome dude?" "let me stalk him" and others!
I'm proud! VERY PROUD but sad because of the fact that they're stepping away from us time by time.
Let's just support them whatever happens!
Anyway, here's the link to the commercial
❇ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M0BiJ8Gu90&feature=youtu.be ❇
M!LK is sneaky( ˙-˙ )
They didn't notified us about the commercial.
They should tell us everything that is happening so that we will know when to give our all in supporting ( ´ ▽ ` )
But I didn't say that we should not support them when not needed.
#SupportM!LKalways ←!
Bye bye!

Have a fabulous Daichi笑笑
I'l just cut to the chase
Woah! It was like yesterday when M!LK had their first debut and was still not-so popularðŸ˜
They evolved!
They were having one-man concerts, they were involved in different shows, they entered talkshows, they went to other places, they keep on releasing singles, they already have their first ever photo album, they indorsed some products and now... COMMERCIALS!(´°Ð´°`)
Well, commercial and indorsing are the same thing but... you get it!
THEY ARE GONNA BE WATCHED BY PEOPLE! MORE PEOPLE MEANS MORE FANS! They'll gossip "hey, who's that handsome dude?" "let me stalk him" and others!
I'm proud! VERY PROUD but sad because of the fact that they're stepping away from us time by time.
Let's just support them whatever happens!
Anyway, here's the link to the commercial
❇ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M0BiJ8Gu90&feature=youtu.be ❇
M!LK is sneaky( ˙-˙ )
They didn't notified us about the commercial.
They should tell us everything that is happening so that we will know when to give our all in supporting ( ´ ▽ ` )
But I didn't say that we should not support them when not needed.
#SupportM!LKalways ←!
Bye bye!

Have a fabulous Daichi笑笑