ねぇー! Someone gave me an idea...
Rissacccchi reacts to.....
M!LK's MVs! (´・ω・) //claps YAAAAAAY
I'll be reacting to all 3 MV single release!
First is the first single~

「Kohi Ga no Memasen」
Hmmm.. the music video doesn't look like Japanese type of music vids. You know what I mean. That's what makes it more... interesting for me OwO The MV made me squeal to be honest XD they all look so KOKKOI in the music video~! Daichi-san said that he wanted to show his cool side. I'm like "Don't worry, bruh. You are already KAKKOI enough to attract those girls out there" (笑)And also that part when he said "hatsu chuu desu ka?!" He look sooooo cute :3 In this music video, I copied the dance steps and would dance it anytime, anywhere XD
Over all, pretty good! 10 out of 10 :3
2nd release!

「Hankouki Abanchuru」
Now this, this is Japan xD lol :3 They all look KAWAII with the sailor-like outfits and with the music video. This music video made them look young :3 I like the part with the Hamlet xD with Jinto-san and Haruki-san. That first part with Jinto-san in the Hamlet, I acted that one xD I always copy what he said and imitated how he acted inside my room :3 and that part when Hayato-san and Mizuki-san had a duel, boy oh boy XD was I laughing so hard. I said "HA! Younger kidz rule!" to my sister because you see, my sister's oshi is Hayato-san :3 and then Daichi-san's horse costume is so kawaii :3 desho ne, minna-san? I also copied the dance steps XD
Over all, kawaii and funny! 10 out of 10 XDD (OwO)b
3rd release!

「Shingakki Arakaruto」
Ooooh~ I always like shojo and shonen themed animes or series :3 the schools and uniforms are just to attractive for me ♡(ó﹏ò。) This music video made my heart go dokidoki! The indoor shoes, tables, the setting are just ♡ Their outfit fits them well! And that part where Mizuki-san winked, it made me smile the whole day. Also that part where Jinto-san recited and something went wrong with his voice and Hayato-san was like "I got you, bruh" and stood up and made that funny face XD ALSOOOOO that part where Haruki-san, Jinto-san and Hayato-san were shaving their eyebrows then accidentally shaved them all out XD lololol the foundation or whatever they put on Jinto-san and Haruki-san's eyebrows kinda worn out but Hayato-san looks so real XD wtheck. And also that part where Hayato-san, Daichi-san and Mizuki-san were making themselves look handsome in front of the watcher's point of view. WAHH~ Yabai( ´艸`) The ships were shown in the mv. #YoshiYama :DD I'm really confused though. I don't know if I'll ship Daichi-san and Mizuki-san or Hayato-san and Mizuki-san :/ I also copied the dance steps :3 This music video is really good.
Over all, I'll give it a 10/10 xDD
You guys are free to comment your reactions too! And please let me know who you ship (´;ω;`)
((Credits to the one who gave me an idea~ ありがとう(^人^))