Wow, 3 blog posts in one day.
There's so many things going on in a week! It's so hard to not have WiFi and to catch up
But I love M!LK so... I'll do my best
Anyway, I just watched the video of Fit's and some parts made me.... hehe
HAHAHAHAHA BUT ANYWAY, They're all cool!
2年F組 Fit's(フィッツ)組 #応援フィッツ篇 「誇り」MV フルバージョン:
Daichi looks so cute here HAHAHAHA
And... a M!LK ship may be born ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Even the girls looked cute! Good job (*´˘`*)
M!LK LOOKED SO COOOOOOL HUEHUEHUEHUE JDBDISLS And don't forget about the dance at the end. Let's try to dance it HAHAHAHAHAHA
Watch it and see the video for yourself!
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