Todays the day! 2 years of love, happiness and tears from M!LK! Yaaaaay!
I just want to tell y'all what I've done these past months (and maybe showing how hard it was being an international M!LKys) and I'm sure some of you can relate.
Of course, right after I discovered M!LK, I began right away to fangirl. I began saving pictures from unknown sources, downloading videos and others. As a fangirl, you want to get any official merchandise of your fandom, correct?
As a newbie, getting even one merchandise seems impossible so you're left with doing stuffs that could express your love towards your fandom, like drawings and... well, a blog. I would draw for M!LK and do fan arts and write in this blog to express my feelings.
Woah, I just realized how sad it is to not love in the same country as M!LK。゚(゚⊃Д⊂゚)゚。
You know how Japanese people can attend M!LK's concerts or one man lives..? I'd be inside my room, wondering how'd the concert go and waiting for pictures from the live on Twitter. Sometimes, before sleeping, I'd daydream about going to Japan and meeting M!LK.
Ahh, yes. Daydreams. Fangirls' only hope. I'd daydream about impossible things like M!LK being my classmates of schoolmates, getting invited by M!LK personally to attend their concerts, being their "co-manager" and falling in love with one another and other ridiculous and impossible things.
And you know how you want to get really updated and write messages for M!LK but you have no idea on how to speak in Japanese.
I've worked pretty hard on learning how to speak, write and understand Japanese.
I'd do anything just to let M!LK know that there's a "me" in their life. I've even tried sending a letter and proudly saying "ey. There's someone overseas who loves you so". I found a way to buy CDs of M!LK and merchandises though I need to save my own money to buy them.
I have done so many crazy things for M!LK and that's just because I love them.
I made this drawing in honor of my 2nd year being a M!LKys.
It's a bit bad but I made it with love and effort(´;ω;`)
Yep. You'd do anything for people you love. Even if you get humiliated or do crazy stuff, you'd do it. You wouldn't care because they are more important. "International fans are strong".
But let's never forget to think of ourselves too xDD hahaha
From now on, I'll TRY to post about M!LK and their blogs (in order to fangirl too xD hehe). You can request to talk about any blogpost of M!LK. You can say that talking about their blogposts is translating but I won't translate the whole thing since my Japanese is dumb. Another note to take is that it might not be correct or exact. You can correct me in the comment box so that I could edit my posts. I accept criticisms! (・_・)ゝ
I'm not active because there's no internet at our place.
Yeah, the more you know xD
Bye byeeeee!
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